About the diary writer

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Kansas City, Missouri, Alexandria, Virginia, United States
~ About: A 1961-65 Park College Diary ~ As a high school girl and then a college coed in the first half of the 1960s, I wrote nightly entries on the pages of one-year diaries. In January 2010 I began transcribing the entries into a blog and gave each one a title. I grew up on three farms within 30 miles of Iowa City and the University of Iowa with its Iowa Writers' Workshop. As the oldest of four daughters, in my diaries I sometimes referred to my sisters as "the kids" or "the girls." We helped our parents, but we also had good, wholesome fun - a characteristic I took with me to Park. Park is 300 miles southwest of West Chester, Iowa, in Parkville, Missouri, on the Missouri River 10 miles northwest of Kansas City, Missouri, and across the river from Kansas City, Kansas. In 2000 Park College became Park University. Today Park's flagship campus is in Parkville and there are an additional 41 campus centers across the nation. Park was one of the first educational institutions in the United States to offer online learning. My last post was on May 22, 2018. I may be followed on Twitter @BarbaraMcDWhitt.

Dr. Frank Meyer on "Education For What?" - Friday, November 30, 1962

Tonight I took some clothes down to the Laundromat to clean in the self service dry cleaning unit. I wanted to do my red sweater with the white stripe, as I thought it might run if I tried to wash it. Now I've been reading my French book. I should try to finish it tonight. I had wanted to have my conference with Dr. Hampl tomorrow, but I have to wait till Monday. This afternoon at 4:00 I heard Dr. Frank Meyer, a Communist turned Conservative, talk on "Education For What?" I don't know if I'm so fond of the Princeton-Oxford mind or not.

Dr. Sagan Gave His Concluding Lecture - Thursday, November 29, 1962

I am in a C rut, C to C+ again on the history test. My own fault. My write-up on the astrobiologist looked good in the Stylus. I think my article is just as good as the Kansas City Star article. Dr. Sagan gave his last lecture this morning - talked about communications with extra-terrestrials. I'm surprised how much of what he has said I've already known! I should go into the field as a major. It's strange how one can feel so good and so bad at the same time. A certain boy's smile, and then Dr. Sagan's theories. Oh, how wonderful it all is. Just wish we could abolish the grading system!

Dr. Sagan on the Possibility of Life on Mars - Wednesday, November 28, 1962

Dr. Sagan talked about the possibility of life on Mars tonight, also of life in meteorites. (I wonder if he had anything to do with the Life magazine article - if he did - gee, maybe he's the one I wrote to about our meteorite once.) He explained how Martian astronomers would interpret Earth. The history test wasn't bad, considering we knew ahead of time what to study for, but I should have done better, especially on the bank issue. I just wrote a post card home his week - also wrote to Schwartzes, Varners, Mary Ellen - "business" (social) matters.

An Interview with Dr. Carl Sagan - Tuesday, November 27, 1962

Today I interviewed a nationally famous astrobiologist, Dr. Carl Sagan, assistant professor of astronomy at Harvard, who's here today through Thursday to lecture on life in outer space! Since I'm so interested in the field, his first two lectures were fascinating and it was a thrill to talk to him. But, oh, I shake. If I weren't so insignificant in the whole of the universe (what happens to me doesn't matter that much) I'd be ready to punch the panic button for sure. We started bowling. I have to study history.

Studying with Most of Park Student Body - Monday November 26, 1962

Well, back to the grind. It will take a miracle to get me through the next three weeks. If I survive, it will truly be a wonderful Christmas vacation, but I won't have time to think about Christmas till December 20th. I spent the afternoon doing French. Tonight I read psychology and sociology. Now I have to work on my religion paper. Then I should read French and more psych. I only got a 79 on my religion test and a C on the soc test. Help. This constant pressure would get a weak person down. I bet no student body on earth works as hard on the whole as Park does.

Six Tarkio Students Were at Church Today - Sunday, November 25, 1962

A lot can happen in a day. This morning three freshman girls, two freshman boys and a senior girl from Tarkio College were at church as a gospel team. It was fun getting acquainted with them. It sounds like Tarkio is just as "un-churchy" as Park. They may come down to the Tarkio-Park basketball game next week. We had a dinner at church for them. We had to leave as soon as we finished eating (so did the Tarkio kids). Then we drove to Des Moines, finally found the Union Station, I got the 4:52 train for K.C., got here at 9:25, met Bonnie, Carol and Fran, and rode out to campus in Buzz's car with them, Judy Percival and Ruth Ann. And now again, back to typical college life.

Sent Mrs. Cowan a Present and Letter - Saturday, November 24, 1962

This morning I got Mrs. Cowan's Christmas present ready to mail. We went down to Cuddebacks since Mom wanted to see Marion about Grandma and Grandpa's luggage for Christmas, but they had gone to town. I wrote two long owed letters (rushing Mrs. Cowan's up to mail before the post office closed at 12:00). This afternoon Mom gave me a permanent after Virginia cut my hair. I read some from my French book and got some notes for my psychology paper. I'm doing it on "subconscious thought," I guess. Helen called. She said Mary Ellen wants to have a semi-formal New Year's Eve party.

Went to Games in New High School - Friday, November 23, 1962

I slept till 11:00. This afternoon we went to town to wash. I got some new tennis shoes, black purse, two new bras, and a leather letter holder for Mrs. Cowan for Christmas. Tonight we went to the basketball games at the new high school. Mid-Prairie won both the first girls and boys basketball games played in the new gym. It is really a nice school. And it was fun seeing the kids home from college. I had a good visit (as is possible for a ball game) with Helen and Mary Ellen and also had a chance to talk to Bob Parcell and Shirley Bush, as well as several kids from last year's class, and saw Fred and Keith.

Our New House is Very Nice - Thursday, November 22, 1962

It is nice to be home for another Thanksgiving. We went in to Aunt Bertha's for dinner. After we ate, the Schroder kids and we girls walked around town. It doesn't seem like two years since I've been home for Thanksgiving. It is good to be home for a change and have a chance to be with the family. I can think about Park in a different perspective. The new house is really nice. Our furniture seems to fit in so well. Christmas vacation in a month. And I have so much to do before then. But I imagine I'll come out alright. I always have. We have so very much to be thankful for.

Home by Train for Thanksgiving - Wednesday, November 21, 1962

My 20th Thanksgiving arrived as I rode the train toward Fairfield. Terry Brown going to Davenport rode with me and Fred was going to Chicago on the same train. Fred arranged for Ted Gnau to take us to the station, then Terry came later. I went to bed at 1:00 last night and had to get up to tell the kids having an all night card party in the room next door to keep it quiet. I got up at 5:00 again to study for the religion test, but decided to go back to bed till 6:00. The test wasn't too bad, hope I got in the 90s. I wasn't ready for the French composition we had to write - I'd forgotten about it, so had to use the recall method. We stuffed center pages into the Stylus. Not many there to read them - a deserted campus at Thanksgiving this year.

A Book From Dr. Johnson - Tuesday, November 20, 1962

I doubt if I did too well on the soc test. It's kind of hard to tell. I'm now studying for the religion test. So far I'm still calm - hope I remain that way. I got a book, "Contemporary Thinking About Jesus," from Dr. Johnson this morning - he suggested I stop by for it. Kathy and Jan gave third floor a little party in the lounge tonight. I went up and got my second flu shot at the infirmary. I have a slight cold so am supposed to take two aspirins every four hours. Fred is going home on the same train I am - he has arranged our transportation in to the station tomorrow night at 8:00.

Research Paper Will Help Religion Grade - Monday, November 19, 1962

I talked to Dr. Johnson tonight after the Monday night religion class was out. He has reassured me that I can pass the course. The research paper counts as 2/3 of our grade - here's where I must shine! He even asked me what my parents' reaction was, rather than having to tell him I'm afraid they won't like it. But I don't think they sent the D slips home this year. Tonight I have a soc test to study for. I read some proof tonight - went down with Regina - since we hope to get a six page paper out on Wednesday. We forfeited our speedball game to the ACCs - oh well, I need the study time.

At Copley's Open House Boys Are Original - Sunday, November 18, 1962

Tonight I went to chapel and to Copley's open house. The boys had nice rooms as usual. You wouldn't think they would be any more original with room decorations than girls, but they are. I'm a nervous wreck. It will be good for me to go home (if I can take the change!). I read history in the Mackay women's lounge for the third consecutive Sunday, but I found it hard to concentrate. I'm weak. I want to scream. This nonsensical chatter of my roommate and her crazy boy-crazy friend. I get tired of the same old thing and crazy squealing after so long of time. It makes me want to scream.

Games and Stunts with Freshman Girls - Saturday, November 17, 1962

We are playing all sorts of little games and party stunts tonight - "the scissors crossed game," etc. We made and ate my pizza earlier. I spent the day (except for when I cleaned our room) studying for my religion test and working on my research paper. The effects are beginning to show - I guess I could use a little more sleep - a birthday party on the floor last night (late) made it hard to sleep. These freshman girls are cute. Margie and I should have been counselors. The only thing is, we're not being paid. A dreary day.

May Fly to Kansas City From Cedar Rapids - Friday, November 16, 1962

I've done it again. I've had it. I got a D on my "Outline of Mark." This is really terrible. This course! Oh, what will I ever do if I don't get a C out of it! Religion - of all things! Tonight I saw the show, "Lover Come Back" and then went to the basketball game which we won without any trouble. Jim played a good game. I might come back on the plane after Thanksgiving. I don't want to come back sooner than I have to so maybe I could fly down from Cedar Rapids Sunday night. Park is playing in the national soccer tournament during Thanksgiving vacation.

Letting Things Go By in a Passive Way - Thursday, November 15, 1962

I came to bed at 1:10 this morning after practicing modern dance. Margie was studying downstairs and slept in the lounge from 3:00 on, so the alarm was never set, but I woke up at 9:10 so that was alright. We got an A on our modern dance final. We only figured out the ending about five minutes before we performed - in fact we did the whole thing for the first time when we gave it. I've been reading history tonight but didn't get to my outside French reading like I planned to. In so many ways I let things go by in a very passive way. I must enter in to life. A week from tonight I'll be home (at the new house in town).

No One Else Was There For Vespers - Wednesday, November 14, 1962

I went to the band concert in Alumni tonight. I had also gone to vespers but since I was the only one who bothered to do so besides Rev. Seamans and those in charge, they decided not to have it. They had played the prelude and then when I left they played the postlude, so that was nice of them. The religious situation on this campus is really sad. I have to practice modern dance with Kathy and Donna at 12:00 in the lounge. I hear a far off train whistle. A week from now it could be my train whistling toward Fairfield. I proofread before speedball (we lost to the LECs) and again after supper.

Rat Race Could Be Solved By Praying - Tuesday, November 13, 1962

It's really marvelous having opportunities like hearing Dr. Albright, the world famous archaeologist give three lectures in two days. I don't think I could do the man justice in a Stylus article. I talked to Dr. Patton and he suggested writing impressions but by the time I - - anyway I was past the deadline and Carol said not to worry about skipping it. We had a good article about him last week and still have news on hand, so - . Schwartzes sent me cookies. We lost to the PCCs in speedball. Everything seems to be one constant rat race. I can't locate the problem. Except that I don't pray. And I must.

Dr. Albright, Palestinian Scholar is Here - Monday, November 12, 1962

Dr. William Albright, noted Palestinian scholar and Danforth lecturer, is on campus and spoke in Alumni on "Abraham in the Light of Archaeology." It was interesting. I hope to get a Stylus article on him. He has assembly tomorrow and another lecture tomorrow night. I went to IRC this afternoon. Nancy and Bev talked me in to going on my way back from trying to get Stylus news (wasn't wholly successful). I am pondering.

At Open House Our Old Room Was Nice - Sunday, November 11, 1962

Herr House open house was tonight. Going through and seeing the rooms didn't make me as homesick as I thought it might. Karen had our room fixed up real, real nice. I wonder if she did it for Margie's and my sake since she knew how we hated giving up our room. I went to chapel tonight. There were only 21 in the congregation. It's really sad. Some things about this college I don't like. I doubt if any other college would be any better and Park has so many good points. E-gads, another weekend gone. I've still got all the homework I've ever had.

The Kingston Trio Was at the Music Hall - Saturday, November 10, 1962

I have just seen The Kingston Trio in person! Some of the LLCs and other kids went in to the music hall tonight to hear them and another woman singer who was first on the program. The Trio was great: "The Man Who Never Returned," "Go Tell it on the Mountain," "Where Have All the Flowers Gone," "Oh When the Saints" and others. We played the OACs in speedball. This was one of our "off" days and we lost 13-0. But the new rules allow two points for each score. The game was late starting so that took care of the afternoon. After French class Dr. Hampl gave me some information for the Stylus. She said if she decided I should go to France with her next year she'd let me know!?!

An A on Psych Paper - Friday, November 9, 1962

Tonight I went to the 6:30 show with Bev. It was "The Light in the Piazza." Now I'm ready to study French since we have to go to class tomorrow rather than today. I got an A on my psych paper. I'm so glad. I really have a cold hearted roommate. Mom said last summer not to let her bother me. I don't but I think I could live with anything after this child! I'm awful saying this. It makes me look weak for having decided to live with her. Dr. Patton says to learn how to get the most out of what you have. He says some humor is important - that reminds me - Becky once shut a chicken in the door of the coop by its neck!

We Are Let into Mackay This Morning - Thursday, November 8, 1962

History has required a lot of time tonight. Dave Kennedy and I waded through part of it tonight in the library and finally both came to the conclusion that we weren't getting much out of it. I got up at 6:15 and went over to Mackay with my religion paper at 6:30. Sure enough, Mackay was locked. I just came back from trying the two west doors when Karen Benson came along with her religion paper, so we sat down for someone to come and unlock the door. Carlyn showed up, too, just before the custodians came and unlocked the door. Always something different at college! The LLCs lost to the ACCs.

Hearing Dr. Patton Talk in the Lounge - Wednesday, November 7, 1962

I just finished my outline. Now the problem is to get my religion paper to Dr. Johnson by 7:00 in the morning. I'll have to write home in the morning. This afternoon I proofread. There was a lot of news this week. Dr. Hampl has received the news of my religion grade - I hope they didn't send the grade slips home - I heard they weren't this year. I wrapped up the red half slip and sent it to Mom for her birthday. I listened to Dr. Patton for a while in the lounge tonight. Wish I could have stayed longer. You always feel so good after listening to him talk.

Listening to Election Returns - Tuesday, November 6, 1962

We are listening to the election returns. It doesn't seem like we're halfway between two presidential election years. Gee, I'll be 21 on Election Day! I worked most of my spare moments on Stylus news. Mom got my proofs back today (a miracle come true) so I was able to turn them in today when the people were here. It was hard making up my mind, but I finally agreed on the smiling side view. I've been workig on my outline of Mark, but since he gives us an extra night on papers without penalty, I think I'll take him up on it. Gee, the work ahead of me - and there're only about 45 days till we go home for Christmas.

Cake and a Phone Call For 20th Birthday - Monday, November 5, 1962

I have only ten minutes left of my birthday. It has been a different one - I guess you only turn 20 once in a lifetime! To begin with, after I did get to bed last night, I dreamed all night that I was going to go to bed at 5:00, and 5:00 came only a minute before the alarm went off and time to get up! The freshman girls have been real sweet about "the old lady" turning 20 and put up white paper streamers around my bed with their own greetings taped on them. Jean baked me a cake and we had a party in 314 tonight. Then Mary Ellen called - I thought it would be the folks - so it was a real surprise and good to talk to her.

Alfalfa Point and Falling Springs - Sunday, November 4, 1962

It is the eve of my 20th birthday. I can't think of any great philosophical gems to record either. This afternoon I went with Bev and Jean to show them Alfalfa Point and Falling Springs. There wasn't much water running today. And they have made the foot path into a lane which sort of spoils the seclusiveness of the place. Tonight I went to Vespers. There was only a handful there. I went with Chris, and then we went to the Stephens open house. I've been writing my psychology paper. I have to finish typing it now and finish reading history.

Read From the Book of Mark - Saturday, November 3, 1962

I got up at 10:00 and cleaned the room till 11:00. I was going to talk to Dr. Pivonka about the science equipment for a Stylus article but since I had on my rolled up Levis and Park jacket decided I looked unpresentable. I called his office and he was lecturing anyway. This afternoon we played the LECs in speedball. We lost 3-0. We were short players again. I went to the library and read part of the Book of Mark (very interesting) and then went down to Parkville to get Mom [my mother] a birthday card. I'm going to send her the red half slip I got in Kansas City. Jean, Bev and I went bowling tonight. I had scores of 40 and 52! I'm great! 

Birthday Package Arrives Three Days Early - Friday, November 2, 1962

I got my birthday package from home today. I went ahead and opened it. They sent caramel and peppermint taffy, pizza mix, crackers, cookies, peanuts, salted sunflower seeds, and gum, and some welcome clothes: cute blue and black knit pajamas, slip, pants and hose, and a pretty gold and black necklace and earring set. The D slips came out today. There were a lot of them. I got one in religion (see Oct. 31). The kids got a big kick out of my wondering what Grandpa would do if he knew I got a D midterm grade in religion. It is awful, I know. I saw "Advice and Consent" tonight.

Skipped Assembly (Discussion Groups) - Thursday, November 1, 1962

We find ourselves with November upon us once again. I slept till almost 11:00 this morning. I skipped assembly (discussion groups). We didn't have soc class today since Mr. Gibson wasn't here and modern dance class was short since she decided to "chuck" the record we were supposed to present choreographing to today. Thank goodness, since since our group had absolutely nothing ready due to numerous difficulties. I worked for two hours on my religion term paper and got a start on it. We played the PCC girls in speedball. We lost 5-0 but had fewer players than they did. We got our proofs back. It's harder to decide this time than mine usually are since usually I get only one good one in a set.