About the diary writer

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Kansas City, Missouri, Alexandria, Virginia, United States
~ About: A 1961-65 Park College Diary ~ As a high school girl and then a college coed in the first half of the 1960s, I wrote nightly entries on the pages of one-year diaries. In January 2010 I began transcribing the entries into a blog and gave each one a title. I grew up on three farms within 30 miles of Iowa City and the University of Iowa with its Iowa Writers' Workshop. As the oldest of four daughters, in my diaries I sometimes referred to my sisters as "the kids" or "the girls." We helped our parents, but we also had good, wholesome fun - a characteristic I took with me to Park. Park is 300 miles southwest of West Chester, Iowa, in Parkville, Missouri, on the Missouri River 10 miles northwest of Kansas City, Missouri, and across the river from Kansas City, Kansas. In 2000 Park College became Park University. Today Park's flagship campus is in Parkville and there are an additional 41 campus centers across the nation. Park was one of the first educational institutions in the United States to offer online learning. My last post was on May 22, 2018. I may be followed on Twitter @BarbaraMcDWhitt.

Park College Acceptance - Tuesday, February 7, 1961

Well, I will be enroute to Park College in September. I received my letter of acceptance today. I will have to fill out the financial form and return it and a $30.00 deposit. I wrote on eleven pictures tonight--an average of twenty lines each. Everyone says I write "books". So many kids want them that I'm going to run out; besides, I can't remember who wants them. Mom took Virginia and Ann in to get their pictures taken at Wards for 99 cents. If Phyllis gets one taken, we might put up the four of us in the last year we were all at home.

Jamestown College - Monday, February 6, 1961

Guess who Barbara McDowell talked to tonight! The director of admissions of Jamestown College called me from somewhere in Iowa. There sure were a bunch of machines clacking in the background. He wondered if I was still interested in Jamestown, etc. I told him to say "Hello" to Verna Thompson for me. Mom and Dad were gone to meetings. I filled out my Farm Bureau scholarship application and spent too much time writing on a few of the hundreds of pictures everyone wants.

Chalk Drawing - Sunday, February 5, 1961

I babysat for Fudges tonight while they went to the Sunset Inn in Muscatine. The rest of the family and Grandma and Grandpa went to the Wellman Baptist Church to see their minister do a chalk drawing. Peters weren't even there and they were the ones that suggested the youth fellowship go and get the picture for having the most there. We were at Grandma's for dinner for the February birthdays. We talked to Leets when they called Grandpa for his birthday.

Senior Pictures - Saturday, February 4, 1961

I've been so tired today. I hardly got a thing accomplished. Mom fixed my picture folders so they aren't so low in the frames, and I got them ready to mail to the relatives. I buzzed through chemistry and started my French story of The Three Little Pigs. I was late getting up again (though my sleep was in snatches due to Ann's continual calling). I got dinner. Mom, Phyl and Virginia were in Iowa City.

Pride and Prejudice - Friday, February 3, 1961

I finally saw Washington again. Mom bought me a pretty brown tweed coat for next year. It was  a $30.00 coat on sale for $20.00. I went to the Farm Bureau office and got "my" part of the scholarship application--I thought something was missing! I also finally spoke again in government class. I'm still suffering the consequences. He'll think I'm scared stiff of him or awfully dumb or something. I'm now going to read Pride and Prejudice, as we have to read a book for English.

Park College Catalog - Thursday, February 2, 1961

Whether or not the groundhog saw his shadow, the weather today looks like winter's here for awhile. We've had a good winter though, and it's hard to believe Groundhog Day is here already. I knew writing that letter to Park would bring their catalog. Sure enough, it was in the mail tonight. I spent all night redoing a "forty minute" chemistry test. That subject! I'm going to flunk out. Virginia just described my hair as "thickly populated India"!?!

Senior Pictures for $19.64 - Wednesday, February 1, 1961

I drove over to Wellman tonight and got my senior pictures. I'm pretty well pleased with them. The oil colored is real nice, but the folders are a little low in the frames, I think. They came to $19.64. I was to keep it under $20.00. Neat, huh? I sent one to Park and also asked for a catalog. Imagine applying to a college without seeing the catalog. We had a short newspaper staff meeting today. I must currently be in an anti-school work rut.