About the diary writer

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Kansas City, Missouri, Alexandria, Virginia, United States
~ About: A 1961-65 Park College Diary ~ As a high school girl and then a college coed in the first half of the 1960s, I wrote nightly entries on the pages of one-year diaries. In January 2010 I began transcribing the entries into a blog and gave each one a title. I grew up on three farms within 30 miles of Iowa City and the University of Iowa with its Iowa Writers' Workshop. As the oldest of four daughters, in my diaries I sometimes referred to my sisters as "the kids" or "the girls." We helped our parents, but we also had good, wholesome fun - a characteristic I took with me to Park. Park is 300 miles southwest of West Chester, Iowa, in Parkville, Missouri, on the Missouri River 10 miles northwest of Kansas City, Missouri, and across the river from Kansas City, Kansas. In 2000 Park College became Park University. Today Park's flagship campus is in Parkville and there are an additional 41 campus centers across the nation. Park was one of the first educational institutions in the United States to offer online learning. My last post was on May 22, 2018. I may be followed on Twitter @BarbaraMcDWhitt.

Physical and Emotional Tensions - Friday, February 7, 1964

I may be falling apart! I feel sick - probably a combination of physical and emotional tensions. I don't know what's wrong with me unless it's that time of month again. There is a pre-carnival party in the J. R. tonight but we didn't go. As Fred said when Margaret and Dave came into the lounge and looked at us as if we should be at the party, "If we wanted to be at the dance, we'd be there." Actually, he's broke. We went to the game tonight. We got beat by six points or so in a good game against John Brown University. I've been pushing too hard if I literally have to fight to keep my eyes open in class.

Time Article on Sexual Mores - Thursday, February 6, 1964

I'm temporarily in charge of Stephens since Diane is in the health center after having her wisdom teeth removed, and Karen went home with a cold. This afternoon I went to the Women's Forum. We discussed the Time article on sexual mores. As they think you have problems if you're not dating, so do they when you're going steady. It's a tough life we live! I got up at 5:30, but I still didn't get my algebra entirely finished. I was about to fall asleep in class and later this morning. Dr. Dunham was at the health center tonight so I went up to work.  

Cartesian Coordinate Systems - Wednesday, February 5, 1964

If I didn't spend so much time at meetings I might be finished with my algebra. But since we had an LLC meeting and I went to a Cosmopolitan Club meeting to see what they might want to do about the Spanish Fiesta, I'm still graphing Cartesian coordinate systems. I guess I'll have to get up at 6:00 and try to finish. I got a Valentine care package from home - candy, cookies, pink popcorn balls, and some Avon shampoo and rinse. I did algebra while Fred ate cookies tonight. He has a psych test tomorrow. He's already had art and physics tests this week and will also have one in heritage. I got an A- on the arithmetic test.

Attended a Student Council Meeting - Tuesday, February 4, 1964

It's 11:00 and neither Evelyn nor I have started our government papers on "The Nature of the Constitution" that are due tomorrow. I went to a student council meeting as a visitor tonight. It was quite enlightening, but when it got to be about 9:30, I left. As it was, Fred was waiting in the lounge when I got here. I am learning more and more about conversation with men - for that matter I always have felt proud of a topic I've introduced that is tossed around for a length of time (even though I may not contribute a lot to it myself). At work today I helped Mrs. Flaherty change a typewriter ribbon, made a bed and filled two water pitchers.

Found Poetry Anthology in Library - Monday, February 3, 1964

Oops - time is getting away again. It's about this algebra. I hate to get up early again. I wish I weren't so hungry. I should have eaten some of the cookies we fixed for Fred and Jim. It's the first time we've used the oven in two weeks since it's been on the blink. We had a test in teaching of arithmetic. I don't think I did too badly. I found a poetry anthology in the library. I'm glad because they're scarce and our reviews are due Friday. I forgot to mention before that Margie's parents were here during the weekend. It was nice to see her mother again.

Attended Voice and Piano Recitals - Sunday, February 2, 1964

Time is getting away from me again. However, I slept till 10:15 this morning, so I guess it won't hurt me to get up at 5:00. I wish I could have seen the LLC-ACC game this afternoon but I was scheduling yearbook pictures. They beat us 60 some to 40 some. Fred scored 30 points. He and I went to the OAC pancake supper tonight. This afternoon Evelyn and I went to Mrs. Lippincott's voice and Janet Reeve's piano recitals and the reception afterwards. In the mix-up of birthdays for which Stephens gives parties, we're still mixed up, in spite of the fact that Pat's was given by Liz after Nancy planned to.

Fred's 20th Birthday was Today - Saturday, February 1, 1964

Fred said, "thank you for a nice birthday." He was 20 today. It was a beautiful day. He liked the books, Spirits Rebellious and The Voice of the Master by Kahlil Gilbran. He and I watched the Lowell-Orion basketball game this afternoon. The LLCs lost by six points. Then I stayed a while to watch him practice with the ACCs. We saw the show, "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane" but it wasn't very good. Then we went to Herr House for a birthday party. Karon had made cupcakes and served tea and black walnut ice cream. Karen and I discussed the yearbook again this morning.