About the diary writer

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Kansas City, Missouri, Alexandria, Virginia, United States
~ About: A 1961-65 Park College Diary ~ As a high school girl and then a college coed in the first half of the 1960s, I wrote nightly entries on the pages of one-year diaries. In January 2010 I began transcribing the entries into a blog and gave each one a title. I grew up on three farms within 30 miles of Iowa City and the University of Iowa with its Iowa Writers' Workshop. As the oldest of four daughters, in my diaries I sometimes referred to my sisters as "the kids" or "the girls." We helped our parents, but we also had good, wholesome fun - a characteristic I took with me to Park. Park is 300 miles southwest of West Chester, Iowa, in Parkville, Missouri, on the Missouri River 10 miles northwest of Kansas City, Missouri, and across the river from Kansas City, Kansas. In 2000 Park College became Park University. Today Park's flagship campus is in Parkville and there are an additional 41 campus centers across the nation. Park was one of the first educational institutions in the United States to offer online learning. My last post was on May 22, 2018. I may be followed on Twitter @BarbaraMcDWhitt.

Education Department Comps Have Been Changed - Friday, December 4, 1964

For some reason this just didn't seem like Friday. Holly's mother called to say she wouldn't be here again. We had the follow-up to Wednesday's movie with the sequence class. I was going to work this afternoon to make up the hour I lost at 11:00, but they were in the process of departmental oral comps so I didn't stay. They have now changed the education department comps procedure to four hours of hours of written and two of orals rather than six of written comps. Judy and I went down to the White House lounge to study tonight.

Explanatory Meeting Drew Only Bonnie and Evelyn - Thursday, December 3, 1964

I don't think I've been doing much studying this week. Consequently, I'll probably be swamped next week. On my rough draft music paper I got a B-. Mr. Chronister isn't much of a paper grader. He had a terrible time trying to figure out how the secondary supervising teachers should be paid - I ended up doing a lot of his "organizing" for him as usual. Only Bonnie, besides Evelyn, showed up at the meeting that I called to explain what we know about the remedial reading program.

First College Bowl Elimination Had 40 Questions - Wednesday, December 2, 1964

It sleeted this morning and turned to snow. I'm glad I was driving home last Wednesday and not today. I'm also glad we're done with our student teaching. The LLCs lost to the OACs 21-12 in basketball. I made 6 points. There was a special assembly at 11:00 this morning at which we each were given a sheet of paper and had 5 seconds to answer each of 40 questions for the first College Bowl elimination. Boy, did I feel "dumb"! I guess we can all say we were "candidates" for College Bowl. Holly didn't get here today because of the weather.

Saw Movie of Our Lady of the Angels School Fire - Tuesday, December 1, 1964

"I'm eternally hungry half the time" - latest McDowell remark! But I am. We had a house meeting tonight to make plans for our two Christmas parties next week. We drew names for our "50 cents worth of _____." I wrote my book review this morning. I hope I didn't make any gross errors or glaring omissions. We had an SNEA meeting tonight. Some of the guys (Jim, Chuck and Dave) from the fire department showed the movie of the December 1, 1958 Our Lady of the Angels school fire in Chicago in which 92 pupils and 3 nuns died, six years ago today.

Will Condense Dewey's The Quest for Certainty - Monday, November 30, 1964

John Dewey's The Quest for Certainty is interesting but I'm getting bogged down in it. I need to condense its 300 and some pages into a four-page book review for philosophy that is due tomorrow since I didn't hand it in today. Thanksgiving vacation was good for everyone. There seems to be a much greater degree of cordiality on campus. We had only an hour long student council meeting - that's nice. Dr. Pai is upset over a negativistic letter toward our remedial reading program from Mr. Foutes.

Took a Train from Des Moines to Kansas City - Sunday, November 29, 1964

Back! (After delays at both ends of the line.) We didn't stay for church so we could get to Des Moines in plenty of time to get my reservation for their 4:30 train. (Reservations from Fairfield were filled.) It didn't leave until almost 6:00. We got to KC at 10:00 and then I had to wait an hour after calling first Gattons and then Evelyn here in the dorm for someone to come and get me. Mr. and Mrs. Gatton got there at 11:00. Phyllis called home from Tarkio last night so I talked with her a second.

Dave Elder Will Supply Recommendations - Saturday, November 28, 1964

I finally finished filling out my forms for Who's Who Among Students. I went in to the Journal office this morning to see everyone. Dorothy had taken the day off. (All but Charlie had said I should hang up my coat and stay.) I asked Dave Elder to supply two sets of recommendations for me. He gladly consented, and we had a nice visit. I got some shopping done, including a bath towel and wash cloth for Mrs. Cowan. I stopped to see Oneita Fisher to have her fill in a form for me, too.

Worked on Who's Who Biography and Survey Forms - Friday, November 27, 1964

The day passed so quickly that I didn't get much done. I slept till 10:30. This afternoon I worked on some of the forms that I must fill out for the Who's Who headquarters. There are two duplicate biography forms, one used by the Who's Who job placement service, and a survey for general information. I don't think I'm going to get everything done that I might have, but then I intended to take it easy this vacation. We went to the two girls basketball games with Cardinal at Mid-Prairie. We won both. I saw only Fred Miller from our class. Linda Timmins went with us.

Uncle Ross is Quite an Intelligent Man - Thursday, November 26, 1964

This was a nice Thanksgiving Day. We had the family dinner here for Grandma and Grandpa, Parcells, Cuddebacks, Uncle Ross, and Schroeders. Uncle Ross impresses me as quite an intelligent man. People have been enjoying my yearbook and letters from the third graders. It's so nice to be home for a change. It seems unusual for me to be here and Phyllis be away in college. Somehow she's always managed to leave after I do and get back before I do. The girls have a very nice triple bunk bed now.

From Parkville to West Chester by Car - Wednesday, November 25, 1964

I left Park right after philosophy class and got home - with no dents in the car this time - about 4:45. It was a nice day for driving and I enjoyed it. It didn't seem to be any trouble at all - much easier than going down. I stopped in Cameron - my infamous town - for lunch at 11:30 and in Leon for gas at 2:15. I took a slightly different route through Albia and Oskaloosa rather than Ottumwa. Tonight I enjoyed being home and being a tease as usual.

We Hear From the Superintendent About Our Survey - Tuesday, November 24, 1964

I got up at 5:00 to work on my paper, stayed here and drank tea for breakfast, and finished at 10:00. My rough draft, by my nature, looks like a final draft. After all of our work on the survey, the superintendent said that the principals should meet with us to discuss the program first before they are distributed. I had thought Dr. Pai was getting over-anxious. They also think it probably should be on a referral basis, that a survey would bring in too many responses - which I had also been concerned about! Grrr!

We Want to Sponsor a Remedial Reading Program - Monday, November 23, 1964

I'm back to my old ways of having to do a paper at the last minute. This just has to be a rough draft, but then for me rough drafts are all but finished products. After much consideration, I'm going to get up at 5:00. I want to give it the best possible under the circumstances. I typed our letter to parents, their survey, and the explanatory letter to the teachers for the remedial reading program the education department wants to have this summer. It took Evelyn and me all afternoon to help Mrs. Ground run them off, staple them, and deliver them to the three Park Hill District elementary schools.