About the diary writer

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Kansas City, Missouri, Alexandria, Virginia, United States
~ About: A 1961-65 Park College Diary ~ As a high school girl and then a college coed in the first half of the 1960s, I wrote nightly entries on the pages of one-year diaries. In January 2010 I began transcribing the entries into a blog and gave each one a title. I grew up on three farms within 30 miles of Iowa City and the University of Iowa with its Iowa Writers' Workshop. As the oldest of four daughters, in my diaries I sometimes referred to my sisters as "the kids" or "the girls." We helped our parents, but we also had good, wholesome fun - a characteristic I took with me to Park. Park is 300 miles southwest of West Chester, Iowa, in Parkville, Missouri, on the Missouri River 10 miles northwest of Kansas City, Missouri, and across the river from Kansas City, Kansas. In 2000 Park College became Park University. Today Park's flagship campus is in Parkville and there are an additional 41 campus centers across the nation. Park was one of the first educational institutions in the United States to offer online learning. My last post was on May 22, 2018. I may be followed on Twitter @BarbaraMcDWhitt.

Went for a Ride in the 1954 Car Jim Has Now - Wednesday, December 30, 1964

When I opened the Duncans sack that my white dress was in, I discovered someone else's white blouse had been put in by mistake, so I took it back in this afternoon. They were happy to get it back. I exchanged my size 36 navy Christmas blouse for a 34 at Penneys and got two packages of half price Christmas cards, then came home. Jim and Larry were here with the 1954 car Jim has now. It looks like a sports car. He took me for a short ride to see what it is like. Sharon was here for a while.

Photo of Nic's Fiancee was in Saturday's Journal - Tuesday, December 29, 1964

We girls, Linda, Abbie and Bonnie went to the show, Youngblood Hawke, tonight. It was pretty good. We went to the Dari-Delite afterwards. We went to town this morning. I got a white wool sheath dress on sale for $10 at Duncans, a pair of black flats at Spurgeons, and a gold chain bracelet for my Who's Who charm. I thought sure my grades would be here by now. The picture of the girl Nic Walker is going to marry in February was in Saturday's Journal. I never thought I would be one to date a guy between his two engagements, all within a year's time.

From Pittsburgh to West Chester in 12 Hours - Sunday, December 28, 1964

We are home again, apparently none the worse for the wear. This house is so easy to come home to - a few switches and it's just the way we left it. We left Pittsburgh about 6:00 their time and got home at 6:45 (including time out for supper at the new Dari-Delite in Washington). I've been "annoying" my sisters with my giddy laughing outbursts ("cackling" as they call it). If I didn't have a good reason for my alternating moments of depression (time of month) I'd be worried about myself.

Saw Slides of Canandaigua Lake, Maine and Europe - Sunday, December 27, 1964

I'm about to lose all track of time. This was Sunday but it seemed like an ordinary day since we didn't go to church. And then when we only eat two meals (more or less) a day, it becomes even more confusing. Ann Gaylord came for 4:30 dinner. She teaches elementary art and social studies. I like her. She has a mind of her own, does a lot, and is independent. She showed slides of Canandaigua Lake in Upstate New York where Mom, Jane and Grandma Kay first knew her, of Maine and of Europe. Some of us drove around the North Hills area of Pittsburgh this afternoon.

Called Evelyn's Boyfriend, Talked for 15 Minutes - Saturday, December 26, 1964

This was a leisurely day of fun and visiting. I've felt sort of lazy though. This afternoon we went over to the Value Fair, a discount store. The girls got some clothes, but I didn't get anything. I called Jim Hurst and talked with him for fifteen minutes. He really is sincere. I'm going to have to act a little more interested in him and Evelyn. I know I've been neglectful. I guess it's about time I realize that they really are a good couple. Virginia was "fooling around" dialing numbers by direct dialing and called Abbie Timmins [in Iowa] - just like that!

This Has Been a Warm and Friendly Christmas - Friday, December 25, 1964

This has been a nice Christmas. We got up at 9:00 and had a brunch of corn fritters and sausage. We left Cleveland at 11:00 and had a nice two hour drive along the turnpike, listening to Christmas music on the car radio and noting the winter landscape of Allegheny foothill country. It has been a gray and rainy day throughout most of the world this Christmas Day, but it has not dampened the spirits of what has seemed to be a warm friendly Christmas. We saw the Independence Messiah Choir on TV (I saw it being televised) and listened to the Magnificat (Phyl played her flute for it at Tarkio). Tonight we showed slides. George's mother is here, too.

Heard the Cleveland Orchestra on TV Tonight - Thursday, December 24, 1964

It took us just under twelve hours to get to Grandma Kay's house in Cleveland, about 4:00 our time. We had rainy weather most of the day, but it was very pleasant here - we girls and Daddy walked around the block in our exuberance. Phyllis and I each took a turn driving and Daddy drove at the beginning and end of the trip. Virginia cut my hair with manicure scissors as we drove along. She said we had people staring at us. We heard the Cleveland Orchestra and other good music on TV tonight.

We Opened Christmas Presents Tonight - Wednesday, December 23, 1964

Since we're starting to Pittsburgh early in the morning, we opened our presents tonight. I received a Who's Who 10 karat gold charm, blue mohair sweater, pajamas, gloves, diary, daily reminder, Lily of the Valley after-bath freshener, talc and soap, hose, blouse, and cosmetic bag, from Phyl, a gold and pearl circle pin, from Virginia Old Spice perfume, from Ann a green lounge pillow, from Grandma Kay a white scarf, from Schwartzes sachet and a clutch purse. It was a nice Christmas. Now we're packed and ready to get an early (4:00) start. Phyl's grades came and were pretty good. Wish I knew mine!

Forgot to Bring Address Book Home from Park - Tuesday, December 22, 1964

Phyllis and I went to the two girls basketball games tonight. We played Harmony. For a vacation, there weren't too many there from college. Linda Severt from my class, then Nancy, Curt and Junean were about the only ones. The days go so fast when Phyllis and I are "entertaining" ourselves. I wrote a few letters to send with Christmas cards. I forgot to bring my address book home, so I may be missing some I usually send cards to.

Went to West Chester School Christmas Program - Monday, December 21, 1964

I went with Mom and Dad to the West Chester school Christmas program tonight. I enjoyed watching it from a "professional" point of view. I talked with Mr. Fordyce who is the elementary school principal now about our two school systems. I sat next to Marion. I saw Mom's room and talked briefly with Arthur Lampe who's seeing the world via the Navy. Evelyn sent me the cutest Raggedy Ann doll for Christmas. I opened Phyl's belated birthday gift to me - a pretty white half slip. This afternoon I sent some cards.

Long Distance Telephoning is Matter-of-Fact - Sunday, December 20, 1964

Mom is talking to Aunt Jane. Long distance is really matter-of-fact these days. We're planning to go to Pittsburgh for Christmas! Evelyn is there now visiting Jim, but she'll be leaving before we get there. Tonight we went to church for the Christmas program. Phyllis and I narrated it - about Christmas customs around the world. This afternoon I felt too lazy to do much. I helped make a few spritz cookies, read, and looked at Christmas cards. I've got to get busy and get my own sent.

Went to The Washington Evening Journal Office - Saturday, December 19, 1964

Phyllis, Virginia and I took Linda and Abbie to the show, Lawrence of Arabia, tonight. I hadn't known much about the show, but I didn't care that much for it. We went to town this morning to finish up our Christmas shopping. I had Mr. Osincup look at my camera that wouldn't flash. The Parkville drugstore had sold me one bad battery. I also stopped past the Journal office to see Dorothy and Dallas since I didn't see them at Thanksgiving. We put up the Christmas tree this afternoon - we were late this year.