Here's how the chimes sound, referred to here as the carillon, with a photo of the Mackay clock tower where they're located:
Here are the words:
Here are the words:
And here it is being sung in the Graham Tyler Memorial Chapel:
Much as I loved the campus chimes, a search of my 1961-65 diary entries yielded only eight times when I actually mentioned them:
Tuesday, January 2, 1962 [after being in Iowa for Christmas vacation]: I was the fifth one to check in at Hawley. We had just arrived in [Vivien's and] my room when I heard the chimes. They hadn't been working in the first three months we'd been here. It was so nice to hear them - now it is college.
Wednesday, January 3, 1962: I love the chimes - if every 15 minutes isn't too often.
Thursday, January 4, 1962: This has been one of my favorite college days - we've been having such spring-like weather, and I still marvel at the beauty of those chimes sounding against the hills.
Saturday, February 3, 1962: Marge and I went over to sit on Mackay steps tonight and watched the sunset and listened to the chimes.
Friday, February 16, 1962: The chimes have been playing more often recently. We've even had Park's alma mater played.
Saturday, March 24, 1962: Poor Mackay's chimes have been off the beam tonight. [And then I didn't mention them again until 1963:]
Monday, November 11, 1963: The chimes are fixed again! [Note: They would not have been out of order since March 24, 1962.] [And once more:]
Monday, November 11, 1963: The chimes are fixed again! [Note: They would not have been out of order since March 24, 1962.] [And once more:]
Monday, April 5, 1965: Yay - the chimes are working again. [That was the night before those of us in the department of education took our written comps, prior to our graduation day on Sunday, April 25.]
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